As Coral Travel Group (OTI Holding), we aim to maintain the sustainability of development and ensure that the employees are efficient in their works. Our main training programs provided to our employees accordingly are as follows:
Corporate Compliance Programs
All of our employees attend our orientation program which consists of our corporate identity, organizational structure, quality management system and reporting systems during the first week of their employment. Later on each of our employees is trained regarding the processes s/he is a member of and defined in our Quality Management System and gets on-the-job training according to her/his department and position.
Corporate Development Programs
Our periodic macro training requirements are determined according to organizational analysis activities realized in parallel with our corporate strategy and targets, individual, department specific and corporate performance evaluation and internal/external customer feedbacks. Our employees develop their abilities via the programs they attend in groups and get the pleasure of learning and working together.
Individual Development Programs
Our employees attend training programs open to individual attendance regarding subjects that require individual information, competence and expertise and obtain the opportunity to develop our establishment.